News of actor John Lloyd Cruz’s death spread quickly earlier this week, causing concern among fans across the world. However, the September 2019 report has now been confirmed as a complete hoax, the actor best known for his roles in It Takes a Man and a Woman, The Mistress or One More Chance is alive and well.
× Check-out the new Famous Trials website at:The new website has a cleaner look, additional video and audio clips, revised trial accounts, and new features that should improve the navigation.Redirecting to: in ( 10) seconds. (Close this pop-up window to remain on this page)MARY SURRATT1823-1865ImagesHome of MarySurrattMary Surratt attrialSurrattsvilleBiographicSketch of Mary SurrattMary Jenkins, born in Waterloo,Maryland andschooled in a Catholic female seminary, married John Surratt at ageseventeen.In 1853, the Surratts bought 287 acres of land in Prince George'sCounty-abouta two-hour horse ride from Washington. Surratt built a tavern anda post office, and the property became known as Surrattsville.(Duringthe Civil War, the tavern apparently served as a safehouse in theConfederateunderground network.) The couple raised three children, Isaac,Anna,and John Jr.In 1864, two years after John Surrattdied,Mary Surratt decided to move to house she owned in Washington at 541HighStreet.
The tavern in Surrattsville she rented to an ex-policemannamed John Lloyd, who would later provide the key evidence against herin the conspiracy trial.MarySurratt'sRole in the ConspiracyMary Surratt's eldest son, John,served inthe Civil War as a Confederate secret agent. John Surratt'sacquaintancesincluded many of the key figures in the assassination conspiracy,includingJohn Wilkes Booth, George Atzerodt, David Herold, and LewisPowell.Lewis Weichmann, who attended collegewithJohn Surratt, resided at Mary Surratt's boarding house in Washingtonduringthe period in which the conspiracy plot was hatched.
Weichmann,althoughdescribing his landlord as 'exemplary' in character and 'lady-like ineveryparticular,' provided testimony that incriminated Mary Surratt.Hedescribed numerous private conversations in the Surratt house betweenMaryand Booth, Powell, and other conspirators. Typically, accordingtoWeichmann, Booth would ask Mary-if John were not at home-if she could'go upstairs and spare a word.' He testified that on April 2 MarySurratt asked him 'to see John Wilkes Booth and say that she wished tosee him on 'private business'-and that Booth visited with her in herhomethat evening. He told of Booth giving him $10 on the Tuesdaybeforethe assassination which he was to use to hire a buggy to take MarySurrattto Surrattsville to collect-according to Surratt-a small debt.On the day of the assassination,April 14,Mary Surratt sent Weichmann to hire a buggy for another two-hour ridetoSurrattsville. Weichmann reported that Surratt took along 'apackage,done up in paper, about six inches in diameter.' Surratt andWeichmanarrived sometime after four at Surratt's tavern. Surratt wentinsidewhile Weichmann waited outside or spent time in the bar.
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Surrattremained inside about two hours. Between six and six-thirty,shortlybefore the began their return trip to Washingon, Weichmann saw MarySurrattspeaking privately in the parlor of the tavern with John WilkesBooth.At nine o'clock, Surratt saw Booth for a last time when he visited herhome in Washington. After the visit, according to Weichmann,Surratt'sdemeanor changed-she became 'very nervous, agitated andrestless.'
Less than seven hours later, as thePresidentlay dying and Booth having fled, investigators paid an initial visit tothe Surratt home. When the investigators left, Surratt reportedlyexclaimed to her daughter, 'Anna, come what will, I am resigned.I think J. Wilkes Booth was only an instrument in the hands of theAlmightyto punish this proud and licentious people.' Weichmannaffidavit,8/11/1865On April 17, shortly after eleven atnight,a team of military investigators again arrived at the Surratt home tointerviewher and other residents about the assassination. While they weredoing so, Lewis Powell, carrying a pick-axe, knocked on the door.When he claimed to have been hired by Mary Surratt to dig a gutter,Surrattwas asked whether she could confirm his story.
The Trial Summary John Lloyd Book
Surratt answered,'Before God, sir, I do not know this man, and have never seen him, andI did not hire him to dig a gutter for me.' While in the Surratthome, investigators uncovered various pieces of incriminating evidence,including a picture of John Wilkes Booth hidden behind another pictureon a mantelpiece. Facing arrest, Surratt asked a minute to kneeland pray.MarySurrattat TrialAccording to Thomas Harris, a memberof theMilitary Commission that tried Surratt, the most damning evidenceagainsther came from Surrattsville tavernkeeper John Lloyd. Lloyd toldtheCommission that five to six weeks before the assassination JohnSurratt,David Herold, and George Atzerodt came to Surrattsville to drop off athis tavern two carbines,ammunition, about twentyfeet of rope, and a monkey wrench. The men asked them Lloyd toconcealthem, with Surratt suggesting a hiding place under joists in asecond-floorroom.Lloyd testified that three daysbefore theassassination, Mary Surratt told him that 'the shooting irons' left athis place by the men weeks ago would be needed soon. Then on theday of the assassination, Surratt again brought up the subject,accordingto Lloyd's testimony:On the 14th of AprilI went toMarlboro to attend a trial there; and in the evening, when I got home,which I should judge was about 5 o'clock, I found Mrs. Surratt there.Shemet me out by the wood-pile as I drove in with some fish andoystersin my buggy.
Native Son Summary
She told me to have those shooting-irons ready that night,there would be some partieswho would call for them. She gave me something wrapped in a piece ofpaper,which I took up stairs, and found to be a field-glass.
She told me togettwo bottles of whisky ready, and that these things were to be calledforthat night.Just about midnighton Friday,Herold came into the house and said, 'Lloyd, for God's sake, make hasteand get those things.' I did not make any reply, but went straight andgot the carbines, supposing they were the parties Mrs. Surratt hadreferredto, though she didn't mention any names. From the way he spoke he musthave been apprised that I already knew what I was to give him.
Mrs.Surratttold me to give the carbines, whisky, and field-glass. I did not givethemthe rope and monkey-wrench. Booth didn't come in.
I did not know him;hewas a stranger to me. He remained on his horse. Herold, I think, dranksome out of the glass before he went out.I do not think theyremainedover five minutes. They only took one of the carbines. Booth said hecouldnot take his, because his leg was broken.
Just as they were aboutleaving,the man who was with Herold said, 'I will tell you some news, ifyou want to hear it,' or something to that effect. I said, 'I am notparticular;use your own pleasure about telling it.' 'Well, said he, 'I am prettycertainthat we have assassinated the President and Secretary Seward.' Another prosecution witness, GeorgeCottinghamtold the Commission that after learning of the assassination John Lloydhad cried, 'Oh, Mrs.
Surratt, that vile woman, she has ruined me!I am to be shot! I am to be shot!' Surratt's attorney, Frederick Aiken,arguedthat Lloyd's evidence should be disbelieved because he was 'a manaddictedto the excessive use of intoxicating liquors' and was motivated to'exculpatehimself by placing blame' on Mary Surratt.The Military Commission-relyingheavily onthe testimony of Lloyd- found Mary Surratt guilty of conspiracy andsentencedher to death. Five of the nine Commission members, in the recordtransmitted to President Johnson for his review, recommended that thePresident-becauseof 'her sex and age'- reduce Surratt's punishment to life inprison.Johnson refused to change the sentence, describing Surratt as having'keptthe nest that hatched the egg.' After a last-ditch effort to delayher prosecutionby way of a writ of habeas corpus failed when President Johnsondeclaredthe writ suspended for this case, Surratt was hanged on July 7, 1865alongwith three other conspirators. Surratt became the first womanexecutedby the United States.The execution of Surratt came underconsiderablecriticism in some quarters. Burnett, who served on theCommission,defended the sentence: 'Whomever indulges in wide-mouthedproclamations,or pronounces her conviction 'an inhuman crime,' unsupported byevidence,betrays an animus, to say the least, not overcareful of truth.'