Troubleshooting Bluetooth InterfaceThe InstrumentControl Toolbox™ Bluetooth ® interface letsyou connect to devices over the Bluetooth interface and to transmitand receive ASCII and binary data. InstrumentControl Toolbox supportsthe Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP). You can identify anySPP Bluetooth device and establish a two-way connection withthat device.Bluetooth is an open wireless technology standard for exchangingdata over short distances using short wavelength radio transmissionsfrom fixed and mobile devices over a packet-based protocol. Bluetooth providesa secure way to connect and exchange information between devices suchas Lego Mindstorm NXT robots, USB Bluetooth adaptors (dongles),wireless sensors, mobile phones, faxes, laptops, computers, printers,GPS receivers, etc. Supported PlatformsThe Bluetooth interface is supported on these platforms.Microsoft ® Windows ® 64-bitAdaptor RequirementsInstrumentControl Toolbox supports the Bluetooth SerialPort Profile (SPP).
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B = Bluetooth(RemoteName,Channel) creates a Bluetooth ® object associated with the RemoteName and Channel. RemoteName is a friendly way to identify the RemoteID.If not specified, the default channel is 0. The Instrument Control Toolbox™ Bluetooth interface lets you connect to devices over the Bluetooth interface, and to transmit and receive ASCII and binary data.
You can identify any SPP Bluetooth deviceand establish a two-way connection with that device.InstrumentControl Toolbox can communicate with Bluetooth devicesvia an adaptor. In this example, a USB Bluetooth adaptor is pluggedinto the computer. It can identify Bluetooth devices within rangewhen queried.
Matlab Instruments
In order to communicate with instruments, you need toperform a pairing in the adaptor software. Note that some devices,such as many laptop computers, do not need to use an adaptor sincethey have one built in.The following shows the software interface of an adaptor wheretwo of the devices in range have been paired – a smart phonewith Bluetooth enabled, and a Lego Mindstorm NXT robot. As youcan see, the “friendly name” or display name of thesmart phone is simply iPhone and the name of theNXT robot is C3PO. In InstrumentControl Toolbox thisfriendly name is the Bluetooth RemoteName property.Make sure that you have the correct instrument driverinstalled for your device.
Refer to your device’s documentationand the vendor’s web site.Make sure your device is supported in InstrumentControl Toolbox.See.Make sure that the Bluetooth service on the deviceis turned on.InstrumentControl Toolbox can communicate with Bluetooth devicesvia an adaptor, either a USB Bluetooth adaptor that is pluggedinto the computer, or a built in adaptor in the device. See.Make sure you have performed the pairing between the deviceand the computer running MATLAB ® by using either a USB adaptoror a built-in adaptor.You can verify that MATLAB can see your device byusing the instrhwinfo function with the Bluetooth interfacename.
Does the behavior persist if you Reset IE Advanced settings (RIES)? Always state your IE version and full Windows version (e.g., WinXP 64-bit SP2; Vista 64-bit SP2; Win7 64-bit RTM) when posting in a forum or newsgroup.Assuming IE7 or IE8.1. To start IE in No Add-ons mode:= Right-click on the blue IE desktop icon and select Start without Add-ons; or= Start (All) Programs Accessories System Tools Internet Explorer (No add-ons).2. The file setup 1c bin 2. Does the behavior persist if you start IE in No Add-ons mode?
Fopen(bt)If you do not get an error, the connection was made successfully.If you do get an error, follow the steps in the error message and/orcheck the previous steps listed here.When you have connected, you can communicate withyour device. See in for an example of communicatingwith a device. See for tips about communicationissues after initial connection.Other Troubleshooting Tips for BluetoothThese tips may be relevant to your use of this feature.Remove or change adaptorsIf a Bluetooth adaptor is removed and a different one pluggedin, all Bluetooth devices have to be paired again with your PC.If the same adaptor is removed and plugged back in, then you do notneed to pair the devices again.Check that the Bluetooth device supports theSerial Port Profile (SPP). We do not support other Bluetooth profilessuch as File Transfer Profile (FTP).Make sure that the Bluetooth service on the deviceis turned on.Make sure that the Bluetooth device is pairedwith your computer.If you are using a Lego Mindstorm NXT brick, notethat the NXT brick has to be restarted after scanning for Bluetooth devicesfrom the Test & Measurement Tool.If you still cannot connect to the Bluetooth device,try unplugging and replugging the Bluetooth adaptor.