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12345brian12345, Excellent app!!!A great way to reclaim lost time and build your faith. Have you ever went into a store and then after you leave you have a song or a tune on your heart?

That’s what this app is great for. It stores the word on your heart. It’s amazing how many times the scriptures come back to you when you need them. If used regularly it creates a huge platform in your heart for God to draw from when you need it.

It has been countless times that I have faced a situation or a relationship and God’s word will come to mind. I am literally shocked at all the scripture that flows into my conversations. Out of the overflow of the heart your mouth speaks the Bible says. This app will assist you in building that overflow.Parents! This is a great way to get the word into your children.

We would play the Bible every night at bed time. Your kids will be bringing up scripture and growing in a Christian world view.

You can create an overflow in their hearts just by being faithful to turn the word on at bed time. You will find that your children will point out when the culture or even Christian messages don’t line up with the bible. You will be shocked when your kids bring up Old Testament life examples and relate them to daily living and much more. I can’t say enough about how listening to the word has blessed my family!! Z'Ha'Dum, Θαύμα!A Bible in text and audio in virtually every language on earth, including - and this is what attracted me to it since I am a Classical scholar and translator- the original Greek of the New Testament in the best text there is, the official text of the Greek Orthodox Church, downloadable as opposed to a web Bible, so you need not go online to use it. The audio is also excellent.

Torh-Enseanzas Neviim-Profetas Ketuvim-Escritos Autor: YAHWEH Elohim Tzevaot Traduccin Kadosh Israelita Mesinica DE ESTUDIO 2003 Diego Ascunce Amados hermanos, Shalom Esta traduccin ha rescatado las Races Hebreas de las Escrituras Kadoshim, tambin rescatando El Nombre de YAHWEH Elohim, el cual han tenido escondido por muchos siglos as profanndolo por la prctica pagana de la inefabilidad. Salmos 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134 Biblia kadosh israelita mesianica de estudio pdf gratis. Subtitulados hebreo fonetica. El tanaj contiene los libros del antiguo testamento (TORAH, NEVIIM, KETUVIM) aunque ese nombre se le ha dado dentro de nuestra era y no se llamo nunca asi en tiempos del Mashiaj-Mesias. Bueno aqui te lo dejamos completo y si tienes alguna duda deja tu comentario. BENDITO SEA YHWH POR SIEMPRE Y PARA SIEMPRE AMEN.

There is really no disagreement among scholars that Greek of the 1st Century was pronounced as modern Greek is today, and not as Classical Greek was. Typically, when the New Testament is recited, it is done so in the Erasmian pronunciation which is a guess at what Classical Greek sounded like, only because most students of Ancient Greek are taught that pronunciation and do not know how to pronounce modern Greek. What’s worse is that it is done so by Anglo-speakers. The result is terrible, and one can be assured that no such articulation was ever heard in ancient times. It was not the way Greek was ever pronounced, if it ever was pronounced exactly that way at all, since the 1st Century BC. This app lets the user hear what New Testament Greek really sounded like.

The announcer is a native speaking Greek, and he was recorded in what appears to be a cathedral, since his voice reverberates — a nice touch. And did I mention that it is all offered for free?

TamiWalker, Massive accessibility issues VoiceOverIn order for this application to be accessible with voiceover, three things need to be done. The media player icon is not visible to the screen reader user very easily without having to essentially weasel through the window. The way that the design is unfortunately does not permit voiceover users to find easily the option to play because everything is all combined into one window. We will need to make final adjustments to that. One app you might use as a reference for how you might want to design is the Bible Gateway app. Their player is a separate window by itself. And then you can adjust the audio player that you choose.

I suggest this as an idea because unfortunately when you have a design such as this it is not very user-friendly. No I have heard from many people that visually the application looks nice and very well organized.

Parasha de la semana mesianica

Biblia Judia Mesianica Pdf Gratis En Espanol

But the downside is unfortunately voiceover users will not be able to use this app very efficiently, without having to as I said deal with things getting in the way such as the screen at the far right-hand side where the welcome text is. This app looks like it’s more designed for tablets as opposed to phones. But it’s designation.

Biblia Judia Mesianica

As I said unfortunately I did not see a player icon, there was a download icon. But there is not an actual play button. Where you could actually play the audio. Unfortunately anyway. If you need further suggestions, let me know.